haha Im eatin Cupcakes and im drinkin an arizona all alone cuz i have no one to play with becuase my family has left me to go the cabin. but yay i have the whole house to myself well except for nick but he is never home so he doesnt count. he is being a butt hole today it was pouring rain and i was like nick do you have a sweatshirt cuz we had to pull the lawn mowers inside becuase it was pouring and he was like no i dont have a sweatshirt so i go outside and get soaked and i come back in to the store and nick is sitting on the phone in a sweatshirt!!! can you believe that what a poo head. and then he doesnt even help us! grrr he makes me so mad sometimes. but any way today i have no plans im supposed to be hanging out with mandy but im not sure thats going to happen!! cuz she is at mckenzie dubucks going away party and kenzie hates my guts y you ask because she went to homecoming with bryndon belnap and then he got a crush on me and she got mad! it was no bueno every time she looked at me she looked like she wanted to eat me alive. it was quiet scary! but she kinda got over it and every thing mellowed out. its funny how many ppl can hate you for absolutly no reason! i have a few that absolutly hate me for boy reasons ppl i havent talked to in years hate me for things they have heard about me and isnt that stupid. i dont hate people for things i hear about them i might think they are stupid and i might think they are annoying. but i dont hate them. idk what it is but girls have this thing when they are immature they hate ppl for no reason. hahhaa i was once like that jr high days but guess what i grew up! people just need to know when to grow up! hold im so bored! i have notta to do tonight and mandy wants me to go hang out with some ppl im not friends with right now again. gosh i really dont like this i need new friends i need a new boy thats what i need . cuz ppl are always sayin i dont want a boy i want to hang out with my friends but my freakin friends wont hang out with my cuz they are lesbian so i might as well just get a boy! but i dont want just any boy i want a good one possibly thee one ya know my prince charming! i havent met thee one yet but i know he is out there somewhere! at least im prayin he is! well my thought of the day is friends suck! no matter who they are they always turn out to be crap except for the ones that you have known your whole life for me its Shy she has always been there for me when i need her well when i really need her. not like tonight and it sucks cuz we live so far away so its like we are in two diff worlds and so she hangs out with her friends and i usually hang out with mine . idk i wish we lived in the same city and had the same friends that way we could always play and it would be so much fun! so yeah im gonna go watch a movie cuz im depressed and that is what you do that or write dark poetry using descriptive nouns and fooling everyone to thing you are talkin about suicide when you are really talkin about the garbage disposal haha not that ive done that! but any who ttyl p.s. remember give out positive energy and you will attract.
Love. Peace. Go at the world alone with a smile!!
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