Monday, May 26, 2008


ok I feel stupid for writing again but i had to tell everyone about prom. ok so it all started about 10:30 a.m. when me and deck went to jonnys for breakfast after breakfast,which i had three waffles, we got on some four wheelers and started playing. I was on three diff four wheelers and a dirt bike for like three hours. I did not stop! I was the only girl who rode a dirt bike alone YAY me! and i wreck twice and i have tons of bruises on my legs thank goodness my dress was long. oh yeah and thank you Dallas Warren for saving me a million times your AMAZING!! hahaha any who after that i got ready for prom and i got ready quick im not one to over do it on the hair and make up. I hate feeling like a barbie doll. Then mom made me take a BILLION pic. all over the house. Then she pulled out ashys senior pics and made me copy some of them. some times i think she wishes i was ashlie. but finally deck came and got me and we went and took our prom pic its lame so dont excpect much then we went to dinner and the deckers home. it was DELICIOUS. oh but before that we took a million pics. and tylers mom patty is so cute she wanted to get a pic of me mandy and ty. i would marry her son ty tomorrow if he asked me. hahaha it was kinda highlight of my night. then it was off to the dance. which was fun until the strap on my dress ripped and my momma had to come to the rescue talk about embarrassing but its ok cuz i dont get embarrassed. then after we danced the night away we went to connors house and watched some wierd movie. i didnt do anything with deck just so you all know he is too much of a bro to me and i do not think of him like that. all in all prom was pretty bueno it wasnt dramatic at all and i had a good time. lets all pray that next year my super hot model looking boyfriend that i havent met yet will take me! lets hope!! oh yes and pray that i meet him soon cuz im bored hehehe!!

1 comment:

Ashlie said...

Oh my gosh! Your strap broke? That's not cool. I'm sorry that sucks. Atleast it sounds like you had fun.